- Your Health. If you’re not on a respirator, then count yourself lucky.
- Family Time. The lockdown has brought families closer together.
- Home Office. You wanted to work from home. Your wish came true.
- Clarity. The year has brought us clarity to what’s important in life.
- Connectivity. Humans were meant to congregate, not isolate.
- Life is Precious. Everyone in the whole world has been affected by this pandemic, which means we are all interconnected.
- Excess Expenditures. You may be laughing now, but when you go back to spending money on hair, makeup, or clothes, you’ll realize how good we had it.
- Unnecessary Travel. My husband used to fly to New York for business dinners. After this pandemic, my bet is on virtual dinners.
- Flexibility. It’s our new middle name. The pandemic has made us all prioritize and move with the flow.
- Jobs. All lives and jobs are important. Let’s be grateful for all workers.
The look of Covid: fashionable wigs!