While no list is entirely inclusive, there are many ways to help not hurt a patient. When President Trump was diagnosed with the coronavirus, I was horrified to see comments on social media about his demise. FACT: The coronavirus does not recognize race, nationality or ethnicity. It also doesn’t recognize red states or blue states. FACT: No one is above getting this virus; not presidents, prime ministers or princes.
Hit Somebody When They’re Down
To criticize, exploit or treat someone badly is always in poor taste; this is especially true when they’re ill. The coronavirus does not discriminate, so why do we? Illnesses of any kind are a burden for a family, and a struggle for a patient. If you’re unsure of how to help, start with these simple tips. You have the power to make a difference in someone’s life.
Starting Line-Up:
- Let the patient vent their condition and be kind when they share their prognosis.
- Create opportunities to dispel those misinformed about the virus.
- Offer to run errands, pick up groceries or anything to make life more comfortable.
- Share your story or the stories of others so the virus is not a stigma.
- Remind others that spreading false information is in poor taste.
- Be an attentive listener.
- Pick up the phone so they feel loved.
- Offer to take them to the doctor, and send them snail mail.
- Deliver reading material.
- Wear your dang mask!
President Trump giving a thumbs before going to Walter Reed Hospital