9 Holiday Gratuities You Might Miss | Golden Rules Gal

Dec, 26, 2023


  • Mail Carrier.

It’s against the law to give them cash, so how about a gift card or something homemade.

  • Pool Service.

Anyone who performs a service deserves a gratuity.

  • Personal Trainer.

How about a bottle of champagne or a gift certificate? 

  • Garage Attendants.

If you park in the garage on a monthly basis, a tip would be appreciated since this industry relies on extras.

  • Handyman.

Many people who have this job are independent contractors on a monthly premium so every penny counts.

  • Restaurants You Frequent.

We love to give a tip to our favorite bartender we see weekly and to our restaurant manager who takes care of us every time we’re there. As an example, he likes cigars so that’s what we gave him.

  • Mail Service Stores.

Not everyone gets their mail at home. If you have people that serve you at stores and you’re a daily customer, that is the definition of service.

  • Garden Guru.

It’s not easy to maintain a vegetable garden. I would be lost without the experts who make everything taste so good.

  • Pet People.

Do you have a dog walker or a pet groomer? If so, they’re part of your family like all other household staff.

Our persimmons don’t look like this by accident!

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