Across the globe a ‘no touch’ culture is now the new normal. At this point in the health crisis there is still plenty of uncertainty. But one thing is for sure: the situation is serious and deadly, and this virus does not discriminate. We have been asked to isolate until May 1st but even that date could change. In the meantime, life goes on. It’s not life or business as usual, but why let the milestones in our life pass us by? The Rite of Spring is upon us, and there’s a lot to celebrate with Easter, graduations, Mother’s Day, births, and birthdays coming up. Disappointment is a part of life, but at least we have technology to fall back on, and we all need something to look forward to, even when you are celebrating with just your immediate family.
How To Plan Events Amid Social Distancing:
Easter, Graduations, Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Births, Baby and Bridal Showers
- Decorate. Get in the celebratory spirit. Now, you may have more time to arrange flowers or make a door wreath. Either way, there’s no reason not to make your living quarters extra pleasing given that you’re living and working at home. Pull out any décor you have in storage or order items online.
- Send Invites. You may be tired of your computer, so do it the old-fashioned way and mail paper invitations. A handwritten envelope with good penmanship is a treat because it doesn’t happen often. Of course, the difference is that your party will be streaming online, so be specific about the details.
- Order Take-Out. You may not be with family or friends, but it’s a good opportunity to support your local restaurants and order a special meal to celebrate the occasion.
- Stream Your Party. The players may have changed, but the game is still the same. If you don’t want your family to miss out on your child’s birthday, think outside of the box! For example, my publicist is having a Mexican-themed party for her son’s first birthday since it’s close to Cinco de Mayo. She has planned a virtual musician to play songs for her three kids, a Mexican inspired menu, and Mexican party activities for the kids. Even though the party will just be her immediate family, the family can look back on the photos years later and remember how special it was even though it was during the pandemic. What a memory that will make.
- Donate. We can buy a lot of things in life except time. If you are able to, donate to a charity that helps others. Every city has a Chamber of Commerce which is a good place to start. Donations can be financial or in the form of clothing or surgical masks to help others get through the crisis.
- Worship. Easter or Passover won’t be the same this year, but you can still get dressed in your weekend best to make it extra special. For Easter, plan an egg hunt with your family and make a special brunch to celebrate the holiday. You can still make special memories and carry out holiday traditions while social distancing.
- Kid Activities. If you can’t be with loved ones, send them a scripted video – a grandparents’ dream. If you have kids at home, organize special art activities. Go online if you’re short on ideas. For example, have the kids decorate your windows with removable flower stickers or have them use sidewalk chalk to draw rainbows and write an uplifting message on the driveway; or go on a nature walk and pick up rocks and have the kids paint them.
Post-Pandemic Party Planning