Halloween is the perfect holiday to happen during a pandemic because you can wear your costume every day of the week: it’s called a mask. Avoid making it a John Carpenter Halloween. The film is a masterpiece, but getting this virus will be your worst nightmare. Enjoy the spirit of Halloween but please do it safely.
Low Risk Halloween Activities
- Carve and decorate pumpkins with only your household. If you do it with neighbors, do it outside and at a safe distance.
- Have virtual Halloween costume parties.
- Do a ‘spooky’ family movie night at home.
- Consider pre-wrapping candy in cellophane and leave it on your front porch for trick or treaters.
- Have a candy giveaway at home from room to room. Knock knock, who’s there? Snickers, Reese’s Pieces, Milky Way…
High Risk Halloween Activities
- Costume parties held indoors.
- Haunted houses or movie parties with crowds.
- Trick-or-treating with outsiders from house to house.
- Trick-or-treating to a neighborhood other than yours.
- Using costumes in place of masks.
Costume day at the Giants game