Prevention is the best medicine.
And we thought death and taxes were bad? We have been told more than once that this virus will get worse before it gets better. Viruses do not discriminate, so we all need to join together as a nation, not just country to ward off this disease. This too shall pass, but for now, we must all do our part to mitigate this pandemic.
Covid-19 is a perfect example of how etiquette is evolving. Who would have thought two weeks ago that a handshake is dangerous? According to the CDC, it is now, and the handshake could be on hold for an indefinite period of time. While it’s almost impossible not to have physical contact when greeting someone, we are all get used to greeting people without the human touch.
Misery Does Not Love Company. With still more questions than answers, the world is feeling the pandemic effects of Covid-19. But whether it’s this new disease or the common cold, we should always be considerate when in public spaces. A handshake is risky business, so lead by example.
Acceptable Germ Free Gestures. At this stage of the disease, reduction of any physical contact is recommended by the CDC, thus a handshake or a hug has been replaced by germ free gestures. Maintain spatial distance when greeting someone. Try an air kiss, royal wave, or namaste greeting. With good eye contact and a smile, your hand will not be missed.
Sanitize Frequently. Wash your hands with soap and hot water, not just alcohol based sanitizer; scour your home and office (counter tops, door knobs, keyboards, light switches, toilet flushers, tv clickers, and phones); and use your knuckles to touch buttons, not your fingertips
How To Avoid Spreading Germs Out and About. If you’re at a restaurant, don’t even think about using salt and pepper shakers or condiment bottles. Ask your server to pour some in a bowl, or omit it from your meal.
Conscious Uncoupling: 4 ways to tell someone you’re not comfortable shaking hands without being offensive.
1. I’m happy about not spreading any germs that I might have and doing my small part in shutting down this person to person disease.
2. I just got over a cold and still don’t feel comfortable with physical greetings.
3. It’s odd not shaking hands, but because everyone else is doing it – it feels like the new normal.
4. It feels funny to refuse someone’s hand, but at least there’s a medically acceptable reason for it.
I’m reminded of Theodore Roosevelt’s famous line, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” The unknown and uncertainty is the scary part. If we are smart today, we can stop the spread tomorrow. Stay safe!