Two Is Better Than One, Even When We’re Apart | Golden Rules Gal

Mar, 30, 2020

By now you are getting used to conscious uncoupling.  It’s not so easy living without the human touch, and 2020 is turning out to be a year like no other. All public events have been cancelled, and many milestones are on hold:  graduations, weddings, funerals, and one of the holiest holidays of the year, Easter. We have our marching orders which are being repeated hourly: stay home, distance yourself from others, and don’t do anything that will put you or your neighbor in jeopardy.  If Prince Charles can test positive, so can you!

With isolation comes loneliness and depression, especially for those living alone. But being alone doesn’t have to mean solitude.  We must find new ways to connect with people until virtual living is a part of our past. No people, no problem. The format may have changed, but with innovation at our fingertips we have many resources to choose from.

  1.  Get Outdoor Exercise.  If you can’t walk with your buddy, call them during the walk or on Facetime.  One hour will fly by. Plan to call a different person every day to stay connected.
  2. Alexa and Siri To The Rescue.  I’d be lost without my virtual girlfriends.  They are a wealth of information and talk back just like people.  Have a list of questions ready each day.  Today mine was: “What are the ingredients in a QuaranTINI?”
  3. Volunteer Your Time.  We all have a story to share, and I bet yours can help out any number of charities who need people with your expertise.  If it’s spreadsheets you’re good at, the day will fly by.
  4. Learn A Language.  You  always wanted to be fluent in Italian, so now’s your chance. Some online courses even offer video conferencing as in other people!
  5. Take Up A New Exercise.  Did you know that Zumba dance has multiple routines on Amazon Prime?  Sign up now and dance with a group of people every day.
  6. Laughter Is The Best Medicine. This global health crisis is no laughing matter, but being at home without the human contact is.  Make light of it. Start a chat group with people and let the fun begin. I have four different ones going, and everyone has something interesting to add to being at home 24/7.

Two is better than one, even if it’s just a telephone

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