Disneyland. There’s nothing in the world like this theme park, and it always makes the best first impression.
Making a good first impression with clients, colleagues, and acquaintances is key. In all encounters with others, showing a genuine interest in the other person is the best way to make a good first impression.
- Don’t forget what basic etiquette is all about. Here’s an Emily Post quote that I love: “Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use.” #usefulwordstoliveby.
- Pay attention to your body language. 60 to 70 percent of what we communicate has nothing to do with words—it’s the way we stand, the way we dress, and the way we present ourselves. We communicate by the way we sit, tense our facial muscles, tap our fingers, shuffle our feet, and uncross or cross our legs. Without saying a word, our body language is broadcasting plenty about us.
- Avoid these common mistakes people make when meeting someone new. How many people do you know who impress people with their clothes but not in other ways? Turnoffs include not shaking hands, checking text messages and looking over your shoulder when you should be making eye contact. Your behavior will set the tone from the get-go and could mean the beginning or end of a relationship.
- Follow these basic first-meeting rules. People form 90 percent of their opinion when meeting a new person in the first 90 seconds, which shows just how powerful first impressions can be. The fix? Be on time, not fifteen minutes late; don’t chew gum or eat; smile and make eye contact; shake hands; turn off your phone. You get the picture.
- Remember that the first meeting is all-important. You only have one chance to make a first impression. Whether we respond negatively or positively, we can’t help but pass judgment when meeting someone new. It takes only a few seconds for someone to size you up, so make sure you show friendliness, confidence, and courtesy.