How To Celebrate In A World Standing Still
My get out of jail ‘quarantini’ party has long been canceled. Even with a vaccine on the horizon, the silver set and first responders will be the first in line as well they should be. At that rate, masks will be the rage for quite some time. We survived without Easter, but now the trifecta in is tow: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve. All spell crowds and more crowds. Before you plan holiday gatherings, consider these 5 tips to play it Covid safe:
- Don’t Be A Virus Spreader. Staying at home is the best way to protect yourself and others. Celebrate, but only with those that live in your household.
- Indoor Gatherings Pose A Risk. If your party will be indoors, keep it small with the doors and windows open. The better scenario is to dine outdoors. Invest in a heat lamp; mine is on order.
- Shorten Your Holiday. Instead of football and Thanksgiving dinner, consider just the dinner. The longer the gathering, the greater the risk.
- Gathering Rules. If the party’s at your house, make sure the guests are clear about the rules. Mine would look like this: mask up until the meal; hand washing upon entry; temperature check and social distancing at all times.
- Virtual Gathering. This is nobody’s first choice, but it’s a great option when your family lives on another coast.
Who Should Not Sit At Your Holiday Table
- Anyone who’s been exposed to Covid.
- Anyone who’s been diagnosed with Covid and not cleared by a doctor.
- Anyone who’s showing Covid symptoms such as a fever or cough.
- Anyone who’s at an increased risk or has underlying health conditions.
I am grateful for…