How To Survive Inflation 7 Days A Week | Golden Rules Gal

Sep, 06, 2022

First came COVID, then the war in Ukraine, and now inflation. With everything from gas and groceries at sky-high prices, here are some ways that you can curb your spending:

1. Shop until you drop sales.

There’s no need to wait until the day after Thanksgiving. On the Internet, you can shop 365 days a year. If it’s not on sale, don’t buy it. If you can’t return it or there’s no free shipping, shop elsewhere.

2. Use coupons.

Coupons – digital or printable, equal discount. Collect them and use them!

3. Think twice about a loan or loan-ing.

Interest rates mean debt; if you’re worried about finances, think twice about loaning any cash.

4. Maximize reward programs.

Coupons are a good start, but anytime you shop online, you should always open a separate browser and look for any savings. Think 20% off. If not, it can’t hurt to ask.

5. Inflation = Budgeting.

If you’re on a budget, now is the time to reassess spending. It’s all about cash flow and staying within your means.

6. Strategize with savings and spending.

In the past, you may not have given it a second thought, but do you really need that $3 avocado or that daily Latte from Starbucks?

7. Don’t just survive – thrive!

Many people can flourish in times of need.

James Bond would be shocked at the rise in price of his beloved champagne.

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