Politics: Can We Talk? Q & A | Golden Rules Gal

Oct, 05, 2020

Immigration.  The Environment.  Healthcare. Diversity.  If you want to nip a political firestorm in the bud, try these answers as a guide to your future responses.  The only conflict resolution is to agree to disagree, which equals being tolerant even though we may not accept the opposing view.  Keep the goal of any conversation civil.

  1. Should the government increase environmental regulations to help with climate change? It might work if incentives are provided for alternate energy production.
  2. Should there be more restrictions to purchase guns? The Second Amendment grants us the right to bear arms, but it seems they often end up in the hands of the wrong people.
  3. Should the electoral college be abolished?  Recent studies show 58% vs. 42% U.S. citizens polled disagree.
  4. Should a picture identification be required to vote? How else can we prevent voter fraud?
  5. What is your stance on abortion? I want to be able to make the choice, not the government make the choice for me.

Red, white, and blue. United we stand when discussing politics.

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