Where is far, far away, and how do I get there?
Dear 2020, 2021, and 2022,
None of this sh** was on my vision board! As the meme goes, “What a year this week has been!” Unfortunately, we are still finding ourselves in a covid conundrum. I want to have parties, but not many people will be invited. My husband ordered me a “she shed” within three months of the pandemic. Supply is the new demand. Touchless technology was long overdue. Air travel requires a heaping tablespoon of patience due to air rage. Marijuana is legal, but we are ‘mask shamed’ if we don’t wear one with complete vaccination and the booster. Wasn’t the goal to relax after the vax? The first five days of the week are no longer the hardest, but I wouldn’t mind some of those “day of the week” underwear I had in grade school. All the days blend together, as in this day, that day, and someday. Someday we will feel comfortable going to sporting events or the opera. Eventually, the word Omicron will be history, as in our children’s children will be asking what happened. The last I checked, the definition of Omicron is the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet. Let’s hope it stays that way.
Safety Measures.
This Tier. That Tier. Mask Up, Mask Off. We live in a sea of ever-changing mandates and have adjusted and readjusted our lives to become as flexible as yoga instructors. We are still in this together whether we like it or not. Yes, that means we must respect the choice of others whether we like them or not.
The Leap Year Skip.
2020 was a leap year and a unique year in more ways than 29. My birthday occurs during the shortest month of the year, so why is mother Earth taking so long to heal? A handshake, for many, is still a weapon. Don’t stand so close to me remains a national pastime. It feels odd going to a bank with a mask on asking for money, and sometimes I wonder if all of this happened because I didn’t forward that message to 20 people? People are still asking if Covid-19 is serious? Even casinos and churches were closed for some time, which should tell you something.
Two-Year Milestone.
These days, I get most of my mental exercise from shaking my head in disbelief. Disbelief that two years have passed since March of 2020. Disbelief that our country has made a global health epidemic as political a subject as abortion and religion. There’s a reason I’m addicted to streaming services versus the news. If we closed down the national media for one month, I’m confident that we would see many of our problems disappear. Is anyone else concerned about the season finale?
This is far, far away, and I can’t wait to be there soon.