- Answer the phone politely.
- Introduce yourself to others.
- Address adults by their honorific: Mr. or Mrs.
- Address relatives the same way: Aunt Lisa; Uncle John.
- Never stare or point at anyone.
- Say “please,” “thank you,” and “I’m sorry.”
- Cover your mouth before coughing/sneezing.
- Always ask before taking anything personally.
- Bodily noises such as burps and gas kept silent or say excuse me if they pop out.
- Asked to be excused from the table.
- Wash your hands before meals.
- Knock before entering any room.
- Avoid nose picking in public.
- When asked a question, respond with good eye contact.
- Avoid electronics at the table.
- Use good table manners.
- Never use bad language.
- Ask the owner before touching their valuables.
- Maintain good hygiene in public.
- Respect your elders.
My adorable nephew Matthew has always had excellent manners!