I think it’s high time for a rewrite of my 2009 travel etiquette book. Since COVID, everything has been reimagined and air travel tops the list. Here are some suggestions for a smooth flight.
1. Start with the basics.
Get vaccinated and check the latest travel rules where you are headed. They change frequently.
2. Bring extra supplies.
I don’t mean books on tape. Think masks, hand sanitizer, and antigen test kits. Paxlovid is now available online, so it’s not a bad idea to travel with antiviral pills.
3. Plan for the worst.
Toiletries take up a lot of room, but bring along COVID medications just in case, such as cough syrup, cough drops, Mucinex, fever medication, and whatever else your doctor suggests.
4. Be prepared for anything.
If you have to turn right on an airplane, chances are food will not be served. Bring extra snacks, high in protein if possible, ear plugs, eye masks, and a neck pillow.
5. Leverage your status.
If you don’t have one, then be king for a day and buy your access. Summer means delays, and I’d rather be delayed in a lounge with champagne than not.
6. Don’t be swayed by crowds.
They will be in abundance, so allow plenty of time to check-in and check bags.
7. Brace for sticker shock.
You thought groceries were through the moon? Jet fuel is sky high which means the price of tickets will increase.
A hot summer travel day in Paris, France.