Are you a Jetsetter? If not, there are some basic travel items that are a necessity, and you don’t have to search very hard…
Double Lock Your Door.
Even when you’re not sleeping.
Wash Your Hands.
We learned this at five and during COVID. Keep going.
Unpack on a Luggage Rack.
If there…
Love the blended words ‘stay’ and ‘vacation.’ I choose the latter. Every January since COVID, my husband and I decided to embark on a…
Christopher Elliott: A dress code for flying? Yes, and here’s why we need one now
No, A Dress Code for Flying Would Not Make for More Polite Passengers
Could a flying dress code make for more polite passengers?
Attention airline passengers: You need a dress code!
Leave the sweatpants at home. Why we need a dress code for flying.
The 7 Most Annoying People You’ll Meet at the Airport — and How to Deal With Them